I’ve been quiet. Silent, really – only sporadically present on social media for months now. What is there to say? What does a travel blogger post when everything in the travel industry comes to a screeching halt like it has done in 2020? It would seem almost cruel to tell you of our wonderful adventures to places we cannot currently visit – or places that have lost their magic amid the safety precautions. So I haven’t said anything much. I’ve just been standing still in the middle of life’s road waiting for “normal” to reappear so I could get moving again.

The only trouble is that it has not happened. Nothing is normal, and now everyone is talking about getting accustomed to a “new normal” – one that barely resembles life as we knew it before words like “social distancing” were part of our vocabulary. I was comfortable with the old “normal” and not at all ready for such a drastic change. Yet, here we are. And now we have a choice to make. We either stop all progress (and binge watch another Netflix series) or we find a way to move forward.
Recently a friend posted this on Facebook:

Ouch! That stung! But I wrote it down anyway. I had the feeling it was a profound truth that may end up setting me free and changing my life.
Almost in the same way I recently stood to survey my summer garden, I began taking a good hard look at the various areas of my life to see what was flourishing – and what was not. I did find a few areas of real growth where consistent effort had made a difference. But there were other areas – important ones! – that looked as pitiful as this year’s speckled butter beans! You guessed it. The areas that suffered were the ones I stopped tending.
Sometimes it is necessary to let go of one plan and change directions – like now when the fun path of travel blogging is (at least temporarily) blocked. But typically, the path is not the problem. A lack of consistency is the problem. Quitting, instead of persevering, is the problem – it has certainly been MY problem.
While I have many dreams, most of them seem to hinge on two factors:
Health and Financial Freedom
Over the years I have “made up my mind” to take control of my health – to lose weight, exercise, take quality supplements, and make healthier food choices.

But I always quit.
Over the years I have also begun the pursuit of financial freedom for my family through several promising business ventures – some of my own making, and some in partnership with solid direct sales companies.

But I always quit.
During this recent time of self-reflection, I have had to ask myself some hard questions:
++ Where would I be now if I had continued to consistently pursue these goals?
++ How will I feel this time next year if I start now to commit to these successes?
++ How much will I regret it if I don’t?
The answer became crystal clear. There is only one way forward, and it starts with a declaration.
As of right now, I choose to stop quitting!
I know it will be a while before my commitment begins to make changes that are visible to everyone else, but just by making the choice to stop quitting, I can already feel the difference.
Even if your goals are different than mine, I guarantee that your success will only come if you begin again and DO NOT QUIT. Let this post encourage you to pursue your goals with renewed determination!

Yes, it is a strange time right now. The year 2020 has been unlike any other! Remember that challenges represent obstacles or opportunities depending on the view you take of them. It is my hope that you will join me in facing these challenges and running toward your dreams.
Let’s get moving!