A few days ago, I sat in the playroom floor stacking blocks with my beautiful (and dare I say perfect) granddaughter, Rayleigh. What a princess she is! My heart overflows with love every time I look at her.Rayleigh’s two-year-old imagination creates all sorts of games we enjoy together. We cook, tend to the babies, sing, and have the most exciting adventures. The heart of a child is to believe nothing is impossible, so she attempts whatever comes to her beautiful mind.

Back to the blocks. As I sat there on the floor with her, Rayleigh began stacking the blocks one on top of the other with her little toddler hands. After the first three or four blocks, the little tower began to wobble. I started holding the foundation and discreetly straightening each block she added. Her stack of blocks began to grow to a height far beyond the skill of a two-year-old, but she was oblivious to her own limitations. She was just enjoying her achievement.
That’s when God spoke to me through the remembrance of a verse of scripture.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
Throughout our lifetime, we make decisions that affect the course of our future. Some of them are good – some of them are not good. I have made more than my share of the latter. These decisions, right or wrong, become the building blocks of our destiny. When our hearts are in fellowship with our heavenly Father, He is able to cause every single step we take to work together for our good. Like Rayleigh, we keep adding the blocks of our life choices to the stack and are often completely unaware that the reason we are able to keep going is because our loving Father is holding the foundation and discreetly adjusting each situation so that it lifts us higher.
It is no wonder the Bible says that we must have child-like faith – the belief that somehow God will give grace that covers our failures and paves our way to success. That is the key to a life of joy void of paralyzing regret. Trust the Father, and just keep stacking the blocks.