Monday, March 10, 2025
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Let’s Get Moving!

I’ve been quiet. Silent, really - only sporadically present on social media for months now. What is there to say? What does a travel blogger post when everything in the travel industry...

Life Is A Marathon – Not A 50-Yard Dash

I am a sprinter. And before anyone who knows me well interrupts with raucous laughter, I will clarify. I am speaking only figuratively and only with regard to life’s tasks and challenges. I am...

Get cape. Wear cape. Fly.

Recently someone gave me a greeting card that was meant to represent a small milestone in my life – one more year with the company where I work. The message on the front of...

How To Save Time…Sort Of

There is a line in one of my favorite movies that says, "Organization saves time."  The first time I heard that my detail-oriented nature wanted to shout a resounding, "Yes!" Then I realized the...

The Dawn Of A New Year

There is something about a new year dawning on the calendar that causes us to reflect on the past and begin to plan for the future. As we assess the emotional and physical damage...