Sunday, March 9, 2025



I guess my favorite food on the entire planet is a juicy, ripe tomato freshly picked from the garden. I’m happy as a lark with that tomato in one hand and a...

Just Keep Stacking The Blocks

A few days ago, I sat in the playroom floor stacking blocks with my beautiful (and dare I say perfect) granddaughter, Rayleigh. What a princess she is! My heart overflows with love...

Let’s Get Moving!

I’ve been quiet. Silent, really - only sporadically present on social media for months now. What is there to say? What does a travel blogger post when everything in the travel industry...

Why Am I The Only Normal One?

At the time of this writing, the COVID-19 pandemic has many of us trapped, I mean…um…safe at home with our loved ones trying to slow its progress by social distancing. I have seen some hilarious...

Life Comes Around Every Corner

A few months ago, I attended the funeral service of a family member – a teenager – who was well and full of life one minute and gone the next in a tragic four-wheeler accident....

Life Is A Marathon – Not A 50-Yard Dash

I am a sprinter. And before anyone who knows me well interrupts with raucous laughter, I will clarify. I am speaking only figuratively and only with regard to life’s tasks and challenges. I am...